Tuesday, October 17, 2006

How do you solve a problem like Korea?

The biggest problem with sanctions against a country like North Korea is that any ruling regime has access to resources that insulate them from the effects of economic pressures. In countries where governments where governments need to create wealth for many in order to hold on to power, it may be difficult to understand the extent to which some corrupt dictatorships are willing to leave their people impoverished and in poverty in order to accumulate resources and funds for themselves and their cronies. Case in point: Saddam Hussein and his sons living in lavish palaces while Iraqi children died from lack of medicine at the height of sanctions against Iraq.

The North Korean regime has absolutely no regard for the masses in their territory. They allow people to starve while spending untold millions on choreographed mass parades. The only thing that kleptocratic dictatorships care about is the survival of their regime and they often repress opposition and dissent with ruthless human rights abuses.

I do not know what the appropriate censure would be for a regime like Kim Jong-Il’s. It’ll probably take someone smarter than me to figure out what is.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Islamophobic Crusade

Leader of the House of Commons and former British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw recently asserted that he would prefer if Muslim women who come in to his constituency surgery to see him did not wear a veil over their faces. He also said it was his intention to spark a debate as in his view, the veil represents a physical barrier to communication and a symbol of separate identity. While it may be politically astute for Mr Straw to have made these comments, in the wider context, it is UNBELIEVABLY IRRESPONSIBLE for him to have said what he said.

We live in a society where many people are made to feel uncomfortable by scantily clad women and young girls exposing their cleavage, mid-riff and wearing implausibly short skirts. We are not supposed to complain about this and anyone should suggests that these girls may need to cover up is labelled a prude and considered odd. Yet there seems to be a groundswell of support for this move to demonise the veil which is the opposite of everything in this society which seeks to objectify women.

In Islam the veil is meant to preserve a woman’s modesty. In much the same way that not all women are comfortable in low cut tops and mini skirts, some women prefer to be covered up. Not all women are comfortable with being ogled and wolf whistled at. As long as a woman chooses to wear the veil of her own free will then what is the problem? Women should not be compelled to wear a veil but neither should they be compelled to remove it. I think those who claim to be made uncomfortable by the veil are really saying they are uncomfortable around Muslims.

There is not doubt that there has been a rise in anti Muslim feeling in Western Europe and North America since 9/11 and the subsequent terrorist attacks around the world by evil and twisted pseudo-Islamic radicals – the ‘al-Qaeda types’. The reasons for the attacks and the premise of the War on Terror are complex but suffice to say the killing of non combatants is always wrong whether in New York, Gaza, Jerusalem, Sarajevo or Dresden. Violence always begets more violence.

Osama bin Laden and his ilk have been trying to convince disaffected young Muslims that the so called War on Terror is simply a pseudonym for a War on Islam. The government in London and Washington have been trying very hard to refute this saying often that they realise that not all Muslims share the sentiments of al-Qaeda and even if some think their grievances are legitimate, almost none approve of their methods. There are probably more violence prone white racist thugs in the UK or the USA than potential terrorists. Over and over the actions of the British and American governments seem to reinforce the notion that there is a conflict against Islam. I may explore this in detail at a later date but examples are George Bushes choice of the words ‘crusade’ or ‘Islamo-fascist’ and Tony Blair’s assertion that the Muslim community are the ones that need to ‘sort out’ the terrorist threat.

If we are to win the battle of ideas we cannot alienate people to the extent that they are not interested in listening.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Washington Misguided

"The US has a huge hammer in its' military capacity which creates a strong temptation to see every foriegn policy problem it faces as a nail"

Martin Walker, Editor of the of United Press International English Edition