Wednesday, September 16, 2009


If you believe the rhetoric coming from the right, you'd think that Obama had plans to open concentrating camps in order to exterminate anyone who disagrees with his policies!! Some, like me may think this sounds ridiculous but if you do I think you will be surprised just how vituperative the right is being to those who will listen. From "Death Panels" to " Hidden Agenda Socialist Takeover" there is much misinformation about, some due to ignorance but there are those who should know better that take advantage of the ignorance of others. Of all these charges I find the comparison to Hitler to be the most loathsome is this comparison to Hitler the seems to keep poping up over and over.

Hitler was responsible for war and genocide and Obama wants to give healthcare to people who can't afford it through no fault of thier own. Morally equivalent?? I THINK NOT!!

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